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Golden Ratio Design

April 30, 2015 | Page views: 59195

Unique concept of logo designing

A golden ratio design is based on “golden ratio”, a relationship between two numbers of Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 . . .) that values 1.6180. By plotting all the golden ratios on a golden rectangle scale, we form a spiral shape, which is seen in nature and artificial designing all around us. The use of golden ratio in designing gives aesthetically a pleasant look to an eye.

It has been in use for at least 4000 years, when the ancient Greeks applied the golden ratio strategy in their architectural work of Parthenon in which the height and width of the structure is determined with Golden Ratio. Not only this, but the ancient Egyptians had also applied Golden Ratio Design to shape Great Pyramids that gives an attractive look to the viewers. Although many other designs, arts and architectural works seems attractive, but their always remain some imperfection in them that the viewers can notice but cannot describe. Golden Ratio design is that significant designing that gives a look of completeness and perfection to the viewer. It provides a natural flow in designing and balance in architectural work with suitable heights, widths and sizes of all parts of the structure. But what’s the secret behind?

Golden Ratio design is seen in many natural things around us that something deep inside our brains feels the design pleasant. In other words Golden Ratio design adds perfection in conventional designing. We can use Golden Ratio designing in images, photography, styling Websites, designing Logos, in architectural work, in music and even in patterns of human behavior. 

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