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How to make your mobile website load faster

September 03, 2018 | Page views: 7400

Every person who accesses the website always looks to be in a hurry, making a website load as fast as possible should be a priority for webmasters. Speed is even more critical when it comes to the mobile version of your website. Mobile users are naturally on the go all the time, and they would have very little patience for mobile websites that take forever to load. So, if you need to keep the care of mobile users long enough to make leads or drive conversions, your mobile website speed must le

Every person who accesses the website always looks to be in a hurry, making a website load as fast as possible should be a priority for webmasters.

Speed is even more critical when it comes to the mobile version of your website. Mobile users are naturally on the go all the time, and they would have very little patience for mobile websites that take forever to load.

So, if you need to keep the care of mobile users long enough to make leads or drive conversions, your mobile website speed must level up.

Here are some tips on how to do just that:

Keep redirects down.

Redirects slow down your website since it takes the server some time to find and retrieve the original document requested by a click on the original link, where it no longer resides. The extra seconds the procedure takes can rise your bounce rate, so minimalize your redirects if you want to keep your visitors’ attention and business.

Use compressed images.

Too many images on your website mean it will take a more time for them to load. To speed things up, use compressed images and scale them for mobile instead. If you can decrease the number of images on your website, that would be greater. Even greater would be not having images at all excluding for important graphics like the website logo or something.

Simplify your web design.

A website designed with all the bells and whistles looks very inspiring. The amount of code it involves is mighty inspiring too, making your website heavier and therefore slower. Keep the web design simple yet tasteful and make your website lighter and load faster on mobile.

Activate Google AMP.

Activating Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages project (AMP) on your web pages will make it look great and load up real fast at the same time, irrespective of device or distribution platform. AMP uses ultra-minimalistic HTML to speed up the loading time of the content on your mobile page.

Keep use of custom fonts to a minimum.

Custom fonts look wonderful but use a lot of JavaScript or CSS, which can bog everything down.

If possible, avoid using custom fonts, but if the overall look of your website relies heavily on them, you should at least limit their use to headings or any other important area of your site.

Cut your signup steps short.

A typical signup procedure for a website entails 6 to 7 steps. To speed things up, shorten the steps down to 3 or 4 steps. All the code you’ll get rid of this way will make your page lighter and faster.

Minify your code.

Your website has a lot of code, and for always, some characters in it are possibly redundant or completely unnecessary. Minify your website’s code by removing them, and successfully make your site lighter and faster.

You can do it yourself if you know coding, or you can ask a member of your team who eats code for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to do the necessary minifying.

Turn browser caching on.

Mobile browsers can now “remember” your web pages and save the data on your smartphone or tablet for later use. By activating browser caching, serving up the pages on mobile will be quicker.

Do your mobile SEO well.

Google’s Mobile First Index is designed to use mobile websites as the basis for Google’s rankings and search listings. That should light a fire under webmasters with websites that have no mobile versions or have mobile versions that perform poorly on smartphones and tablets.

he Mobile-First Index gives webmasters the motivation to speed up their websites since page speed is one of the factors of mobile SEO. Optimize your mobile website by doing whatever you can to speed it up, and you’ll have a mobile site that will do well on Google’s Mobile First Index.


Now give these tips a try and see if your mobile website’s speed gets a boost.

However, it is suggested that you use Google’s free Page Speed Insights tool so you’ll know what really needs to be done to increase your mobile site’s speed.

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