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Makrani Mosque - Latest work by Web Comforts

December 02, 2015 | Page views: 14578

Working for a religious place, is a point of respect and honour for us. Webcomforts served to create a website for Makrani Masjid.

Working for a religious place, is a point of respect and honour for us. Webcomforts served to create a website for Makrani Masjid. We were approached by the mosque management regarding the web design and development project. We proposed a noble design for a noble place, a simple layout and qualitative description of the mosque and its administration by using drop down lists on a menu-bar.

An Islamic Calendar is added to add more convenience to the website visitors. The website is built responsive, to keep it accessible on various devices. Our web developers and web designers have attached social media links to keep the website socially visible. The Mosque administration is satisfied from our delivered website, keeping their members intact and visitors to approach easily. Makrani Masjid is a beautiful mosque, receiving hundreds of visitors every day and providing a forum to organize public meetings, delivering lectures and a center to explore the knowledge.


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