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How to rank website on Google first page

November 04, 2018 | Page views: 5896

This has become very difficult for businesses to beat the competition and rank their website on Google first page. Since Google Search Engine is getting smarter everyday, a normal internet user does not care to open second page of Google search results. Even other Search Engines like Yahoo, Bing, etc have improved the relevance of search results on first page a lot.

This has become very difficult for businesses to beat the competition and rank their website on Google's first page. Since Google Search Engine is getting smarter everyday, a normal internet user does not care to open second page of Google search results. Even other Search Engines like Yahoo, Bing, etc have improved the relevance of search results on first page a lot.

A Person who clicks for the second page on Google search results page must be desperate.

But how can our website appear on the Google’s first page? We have listed some points that will help you rank website on google first page:

Identify your keywords:

Identification of proper keywords is very important task in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you want to rank your website on Google's first page, you must identify your keywords first. You should be looking on relevant keywords with highest search volume. To understand how to identify your keywords, read Keyword Research Guide.

Limit your focus keywords:

You will find a lot of keywords in Keywords Identification Process however you need to choose the best ones. We recommend choosing 10 -12 primary keywords that are important for your business, to start off your SEO. Once you achieve your targets for the primary keywords you may work on others.

Be realistic:

For example you own a web design company in Pakistan. Targetting the keyword "Web Design Company" will not be a good idea however keywords like Best Web Design Company in Pakistan or Best Web Development Company in Pakistan or even top web designer in pakistan are good keywords for your website. In this case The location suffix does the trick. If you were targeting just “Web Design Company”, it would not be realistic. There is no way that Google will show your business for the word “business” – be it the best keyword you have targeted.

Do not forget the brand:

For newer brands and newer domains, it’s very much important to target your brand keywords as your primary focused keywords.

On-page SEO:

All aspects of on-page SEO should be in order and keywords should be strategically placed over entire website. On-page SEO is one important factor if you want to rank website on google first page. All the key elements, i.e. Meta tags, heading tags, alt attributes, titles must be addressed. For a complete analysis you may use online tools like Free SEO Report OR Seo Site Checkup

Content is King:

“Write for people, not for search engines”. Keep this line in mind before writing content. It is important to strategically squeeze in your keywords though. If you want your website to appear on google first page then always write good, specific and quality content for your website.

Compliment with off-page SEO:

Off page SEO is also important. It is a long, boring task that needs to be done right. Make sure you do it right or hire a good digital marketing company to do it for you.

You might wonder that above points talk more about keywords. Well, that is because that is how important it is to get the keywords right.

Hope above point helps you to rank your website on google first page. If you want us to rank your website then contact us now.

We are a Web Design Company and Services we offer are listed below;


Pakistan Address: Haripur Road, Havelian-22500.KPK, Pakistan.
UK Address: 6 Elm Street HD4 6QY Huddersfield, UK
+92 332 540 2023, +44(0) 749 632 0455,
+92 992 810 930


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